分类目录归档:VA388 Black Eagle

VA388 Black Eagle, the beginnings A machine for consistent

VA388 Black Eagle, the beginnings A machine for consistent

VA388 Black Eagle, the beginnings A machine for consistent, sustainable and quality espresso. This was the result we wanted to get with the new product that we developed together with James Hoffmann. Yes, it was an ambitious project, but our intention was, and remains, to make the barista’s business the best. Thus our VA388 Black Eagle gravitech machine was created, an espresso machine with the capacity to control the amount of liquid in the cup, getting the right consistency of espresso and ensuring maximum aroma in the cup. Not only that; the VA388 is a tool that allows a barista to do what they want, whenever they want. The new professional coffee machine must also support the relationship between the customer and the barista. Viglino, the designer, chose a soft style, with more curves and asymmetrical elements, in a 49 centimeter-high product.


VA388, Black, Eagle, the ,beginnings ,A ,machine ,for, consistent

VA388 BE Gravitech

VA388 BE Gravitech

VA388 Black Eagle Gravitech  is the espresso machine for all those who dedicate their lives to coffee; who study, research and experiment every day to transfer a real coffee experience to the cup. This is the espresso machine for specialty barista.


VA388,BE ,Gravitech,Black ,Eagle ,Gravitech,  is ,the, espresso, machine