
The bodywork, made entirely of Supermirror stainless steel

The bodywork, made entirely of Supermirror stainless steel

High technology and design in an espresso coffee machine for connoisseurs

The bodywork, made entirely of Supermirror stainless steel, was designed to look like a diamond, with a technological heart beating inside.


The ,bodywork, made ,entirely, of ,Supermirror,stainless, steel

designed by Doriana and Massimiliano Fuksas

designed by Doriana and Massimiliano Fuksas

Precious as a diamond, competition level performance

Theresia, designed by Doriana and Massimiliano Fuksas, is an espresso machine for the coffee connoisseur to have at home, on their boat or in the office. A technologically advanced espresso machine that can extract the best espressos and most fragrant cappuccinos, just like baristas make during competitions.


designed ,by ,Doriana, and, Massimiliano, Fuksas

The VA358 White Eagle supports the relationship between

The VA358 White Eagle supports the relationship between


VA358 White Eagle, the beginnings

We are working in order to offer specialty coffee shops espresso machines able to be consistent, reliable and efficient. This was the result we wanted to get with the new product that we developed: its name is VA358 White Eagle and it is dedicated to coffee shops putting Quality at first.
We studied an espresso machine able to respond to specialty coffee shops new trends, and we made it with tall group too in order to use big cups and glasses. The VA358 White Eagle supports the relationship between the customer and the barista. Viglino, the designer, rebuilt eagle’s wings in a 51 centimeter-high product.


The ,VA358, White, Eagle, supports, the ,relationship ,between

VA388 Black Eagle Dublin your sacrifices, your passion

VA388 Black Eagle Dublin your sacrifices, your passion


VA388 Black Eagle Dublin

We are ready for our new challenge: to offer baristas competing in Dublin in 2016 a machine that will ‘exalt’ their coffee. Creating the best espresso machines is what we do every day, but we know how extremely important competition is for each of you baristas and how it can change your destiny in the world of coffee. We know your efforts, your sacrifices, your passion. We are with you and we offer our support.



VA388, Black ,Eagle, Dublin, your ,sacrifices, your ,passion