
The solution to obtain a perfect brew ratio

The solution to obtain a perfect brew ratio

GRAVITECH. The solution to obtain a perfect brew ratio We did not want to offer a technology to “explore”, but a system that can instantly solve the problems of a coffee shop. Gravimetric technology is just that: it guarantees a perfect espresso coffee made with maximum precision by ensuring total control at all stages of extraction. The barista just has to set the weight of the liquid in the cup for each blend. Simple, right? Today, gravimetric technology installed on the professional VA388 coffee machine means that each espresso coffee can be made with the same ratio, ensuring a consistent brew. With gravimetric technology, the weight of the liquid extracted is measured directly in the cup. The data is therefore much more precise and, more importantly, is not affected by other factors, such as the shape of the filter, the tamping force on the coffee, the condition of the showerheads and more. The barista always has full control of each delivery, the quantity in the cup is always programmed and any difference between one delivery and the next is eliminated.


The ,solution ,to ,obtain, a, perfect ,brew ,ratio