
2015 and Dublin in 2016 a machine that will

2015 and Dublin in 2016 a machine that will

VA388 Black Eagle Seattle

We are ready for our new challenge: to offer baristas competing in Seattle in 2015 and Dublin in 2016 a machine that will ‘exalt’ their coffee. Creating the best espresso machines is what we do every day, but we know how extremely important competition is for each of you baristas and how it can change your destiny in the world of coffee. We know your efforts, your sacrifices, your passion. We are with you and we offer our support.



2015 ,and, Dublin, in, 2016, a, machine ,that, will


barista will never be too tired to prepare another cappuccino

barista will never be too tired to prepare another cappuccino

The solution for barista wellness

The barista has to work safely with a coffee machine designed to ensure maximum comfort. An example of this increased attention to the barista is “Push & Pull”, the drive system for the steam nozzle that avoids unnecessary stress on the barista’s arms. So the barista will never be too tired to prepare another cappuccino!


barista ,will, never, be ,too ,tired ,to ,prepare, another, cappuccino